Benefits of Online Therapy for Adolescents and Teens
It is painful to see your child struggling with their mental health. You may be wondering if it is time to start therapy, and if so, where do you start. In this blog post, I will walk you through the benefits and drawbacks of online therapy to help you decide if it is the right choice for your family.
As a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in working with adolescents and young adults, I have found that online therapy can be a great option for teenagers who so seamlessly utilize technology.
There is no getting around it, teens love their phones and tablets. This love for technology can be put to good use when included as part of online therapy.
For the past several years I have worked directly with teenage clients utilizing both in-person and online modalities. In my practice, I found that teens exceled with online therapy and the research supports this.
Some of the benefits of online therapy for adolescents are:
Adolescents tend to view online therapy (virtual therapy) more positively than in-person options, meaning they are better engaged and more likely to experience the full benefits of treatment.
Teens feel very comfortable with the internet and technology use. Unlike with other populations, this does not tend to cause any stress for them. Quite the opposite. Is more likely to put them at ease and make therapy seem more approachable.
Online therapy is effective and safe for teenagers when administered by a trained and licensed provider, such as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist.
Online therapy works around teens’ busy academic and extra-curricular schedules and parents” work schedules. Most families are not able to pick their child up early from school or chauffeur them around town every week for therapy. Online therapy takes this scheduling nightmare out of the equation. This can improve attendance and engagement, two very important variables when it comes to the effectiveness of therapy.
Parents can easily stay involved through secure messaging portals, virtual visits, and phone calls. Providers that specialize in online therapy will create systems in their practice to keep parents abreast of their child’s treatment progress without them needing to come in for in-person progress sessions.
Teens get better. At the end of the day, the most important benefit of online therapy for teens is that they can get better. Online therapy has been shown to be equally effective as in-person modalities. The barriers for starting and staying involved in therapy are lower, meaning that families may be more likely to see improvements in their teen’s mental health.
Things to Consider Before Starting Online Therapy for Adolescents & Teens
Of course, online therapy isn’t for everyone. Like other treatment modalities, it has its drawbacks. A few things to think about before starting your teenager or adolescent in online therapy are:
Adequate internet. Your child will need access to an internet-capable device, of course.
A pattern of responsible online behavior. If your child has shown that they cannot currently use the internet responsibly unchaperoned then it may be difficult to arrange adequate privacy for them to engage in online therapy. This may also be a behavior that should be addressed within therapy.
Budget. Online therapy tends to be more affordable due to lower overhead costs, but many private practice therapists are not able to accept insurance for a number of reasons. If you need to use an in-network provider, you may be limited on whether they offer online therapy.
Personal preference. Overall, teenagers prefer online therapy and show good engagement, but that doesn’t mean your teen will. Check with your teen to see if they have a preference for in-person or online therapy and balance their preference with what works best for your family’s schedule when making a decision.
Severe mental illness. Like all outpatient treatment options, some teens will need a higher level of care for their concerns, such as a residential treatment facility to stay safe. If your child is expressing a desire or intent to end their life call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Department immediately.
Still wondering if online therapy is right for your teen?
Reach out to me for a free consultation. I am happy to help!
-Dr. Alli